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Equality diversity and inclusion

NAHT’s EDI Strategy 2024-2025

NAHT is dedicated to promoting equality for all of its members, and this commitment is enshrined in NAHT’s constitution. In order to support NAHT in achieving this commitment, we have a union-wide strategy that outlines how we embed equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of our activities.

NAHT’s work in this area, including the progress of our strategy, is overseen by NAHT’s national executive (via our Diversity and Inclusion Group).

This strategy is centred around three main aspects; these are underpinned by the work NAHT does to empower, upskill and support NAHT staff.

  1. Supporting our members as leaders: As school leaders, NAHT members are ideally positioned to create inclusive learning and working environments for all of their pupils and staff – one which welcomes diversity and champions equality. NAHT recognises the need to support and empower our members to effectively achieve this.

    To achieve this, we have the following core objectives:
  1. Increase our support for members to effectively embed EDI within their own settings. This includes work to:
    1. Maintain our resources hub and develop our own advice and guidance as appropriate
    2. Support members to mark key EDI dates throughout the year (eg LGBT+ History month)
    3. Run three free EDI webinars for members, alongside paid EDI training and courses for members
  2. Ensure our campaigning and policy work (in relation to pupils and school staff) explicitly considers and includes equality to achieve our aim of embedding EDI throughout the education system.
    1. Areas of policy focus may include: RSE implementation and/or review, transgender pupil policy for schools, SEND/ALN/SEN sector (including funding and support), refugee pupils, accessibility in assessments and exams, inclusive curriculum and pupil mental health/well-being.
  1. Supporting our members as individuals: We know members with certain protected characteristics face additional and/or specific challenges in their roles. As a trade union, our core purpose is protecting our members, whether proactively (for example, campaigning to remove systemic inequities in the system), or reactively (such as aiding members who are experiencing issues in their workplace, through our representation and/or legal teams).

    To achieve this, we have the following core objectives:
  1. Increase our ability to effectively represent and negotiate on behalf of all members and press forward on wider equality gains in the system. This includes work to:
    1. Increase the training and support for our paid and lay officials to support them in tackling discrimination in their line of work
    2. Improve our monitoring of cases to tackle discrimination in the workplace, and any equality gains achieved as a result
  2. Continue to extend our insight into the challenges faced by school leaders or future school leaders with protected characteristics. This includes work to:
    1. Increase the growth and profile of our equality networks, and explore the need for any further networks
    2. Ensure all key NAHT research (focused on members as individuals) includes demographic questions, and that data analysis is considered from this perspective
  3. Ensure our campaigning and policy influencing explicitly includes equality (in relation to our members) to achieve our aim of embedding EDI throughout the education system
    1. Areas of policy focus may include gender pay gaps, representation within leadership (including renewal of government funding to support this), EDI training in NPQs, flexible working, reasonable adjustments in schools and during inspections, workload and well-being, and mandatory anti-racism training. 
  4. Increase our international presence in relation to EDI issues, recognising that much of the equality legislation and rights of members comes not just from domestic law and conventions, but are part of wider international agreements.
  1. As a democratic organisation: NAHT recognises that we are most effective in representing the views and needs of school leaders when we engage with all of our membership. We are therefore committed to ensuring our own democratic structures are inclusive and reflect the diversity of the educational professionals and learners that we serve.

    To achieve this, we have the following core objectives:
  1. Increase the amount of demographic data we hold in relation to our members and improve our analysis of this data
  2. Increase representation within NAHT’s democratic structures
  3. Continue to empower and upskill our lay officials around EDI issues. This includes work to:
    1. Launch a new regional equality rep pilot
  4. Increase the inclusivity and accessibility of NAHT’s communications
  5. Continue to increase representation in NAHT communications and events. This includes work to
    1. Increase the diversity of members representing NAHT, providing training as appropriate
    2. Development of an EDI comms plan for 2024 and 2025
  6. Increase the inclusivity and accessibility of NAHT’s events. This includes work to:
    1. Develop an online (and hybrid) accessibility policy to support member engagement at online events, guided by input from our Disabled Members' Network
    2. Develop an accessibility policy to support member engagement at in-person events, guided by input from our Disabled Members' Network
  7. Ensure that our policies, processes and/or practices enhance both democratic and general NAHT engagement for all NAHT members and reflect our wider EDI goals/values. This includes work to:
    1. Keep our democratic processes and procedures under regular review, with consideration of EDI as part of any updates and amends

NAHT’s equality networks

NAHT has four informal equality networks for members. These are led by members, for members.

Find out more about our networks, including how to join and planned meetings, by clicking on the links below. 

NAHT's EDI statements

Following a resolution at NAHT Annual Conference, we are developing a series of policy statements outlining NAHT’s views and commitments around equality, diversity and inclusion. These have been developed in conversations with NAHT’s equality networks, our diversity and inclusion group, and our national executive.

Click below to see our EDI statements:

Statements will continue to be reviewed and additional statements may be developed, as led by our membership.

Our statement of action and commitments on EDI in education

Coordinated by NAHT, this statement of action sets out commitments from 13 education organisations to advance equality, diversity and inclusion. In December 2024, we published an update to the statement. Read the statement of action and commitments on EDI in education.


Advice and support

For more about the advice and guidance available from NAHT, along with resources to support members with EDI in their schools, see our EDI hub page.

TUC equality conferences

Every year, the TUC hosts a series of equality conferences that supplement the general work of TUC Congress. These conferences focus on supporting the advancement of issues that disproportionally impact minority groups. Find out more and how NAHT members can get involved.

Latest news and advice

Women in leadership and education

What inspired your journey into leadership?

My route to where I am has been unconventional. I never really wanted or planned to be a leader or head teacher. I was quite happy being an early years teacher and then early years lead. I didn’t know all these other roles existed, but the landscape of education changed significantly around me, creating roles which had previously never existed. Growing up, I had no role models of family members who had been teachers. Education is a very middle class profession and I didn’t realise for a long time how many people benefit from having someone in their immediate or extended family who’s been a teacher or in some other educational role.

Teaching wasn’t something I considered when I was at school. I was quite naughty, I was a looked after child, SEN and FSM. My passion was film production and when I left university I worked in media. As part of my job, I enjoyed working with children from similar backgrounds to my own, teaching media, editing and music production. My affinity with and understanding of those hard to reach children and their families was a motivation to teach. I thought I would work in secondary, but ended up on an early years PGCE. When I became a subject lead, I became further interested in inclusion, this led me to a role as assistant head for inclusion in a tough environment.

I started to think about headship when my eldest daughter said to me that she never saw black or brown people and women like me in headship. When the opportunity to be an executive head came up, again, I realised that there very few people who look like me in those roles in the country. Part of my drive and motivation has come from my understanding of the importance of my presence in a leadership role.

What’s stopping more women progressing into leadership?

There are many factors, intersectionality is one for me. I’ve just written a co-authored piece about anti-racism in education which will be part of a book – Outstanding School Leadership, by Peter J. Hughes, CEO of The Mossbourne Federation. The challenge of being a woman of colour in education is being alone, but you get used to being the only person of colour in a room and sometimes the only woman as well. Things are changing and you do encounter a few more women in high leadership positions but CEO-wise, you are still looking at predominantly men.

When you decide you’re going to become a head teacher, if you have children it has to be a family decision, involving a discussion with loved ones. If you want to have children and you want to have the full richness of life, you need an understanding network and the support behind you. Sometimes it won’t be possible to tuck your children in at night. For men, making these decisions and sacrifices are the same, and hard to make. These are some of the discussions I have with my leaders as they progress to headship. People don’t recognise what toll the role can take on aspects of your life. Even if it looks like the role can be flexible or offers part-time working, the level of accountability makes it a 24/7 job.

I’ve always asked my children how they feel and whether I am doing a good job. We hold family meetings. I carve out time that will not be budged to take them on their individual dates. When they were younger they would choose one school event each year and I would move hell or high water to get to that event. They’d make me feel like a celebrity on the rare occasions I arrived in the school playground. I had to understand that quality over quantity is important. That’s how I made peace with myself. As parents we are our own worst critics. It’s OK to ask for help.

I have faced, at the highest levels, overt chauvinism. I’ve been in board meetings as the only woman where there has been complete disregard and humiliation of women and I have had to say “this needs to stop” and “I’m not comfortable with how you are talking about individuals". This does happen in education. Calling out comments that are made can cost you your career. Sometimes you have to bide your time or pick your battles. Having people to call on for advice helps. I’ve had parents who have just not wanted me to be the head because I am a woman and they have told me that to my face. I’ve had riots outside the building and people trying to prevent me getting into work or trying to spread negativity around my role. This can happen anywhere, in leafy green areas as well as in areas that are considered challenging. Resilience, being brave and speaking out are key. I’ve had hate mail, people threaten my life and people stalk me; however, I know it’s important that I continue.

Highlights and successes as a leader

Successes as a leader are different to those of a classroom teacher. My successes are rooted in my advocating for children, for marginalised children, for children who don’t have a voice in a system that is completely and utterly broken and which has been cracking for a very long time. As a looked-after child I know this well. One example of a success that stays with me is finding and putting myself in precarious positions by calling out failings, and getting a particular child what they needed because they were being failed in so many areas. I get immense joy from knowing children are in a good place and can go on to lead a positive life. Leading schools out of special measures is also something to be proud of.

Role models, allies and networks

Subconsciously, you seek out your role models, allies and networks. I’ve worked closely with and learnt so much from inspiring female heads from across the education community. I consider these and some of the amazing females I did my PGCE with as friends. They are an important source of reassurance and reflection. These are people who generously give of their time and knowledge. They help you to see what you can be and help you understand better what different leadership roles involve.

I’ve had to be resilient and do a lot of learning on the job. I’ve been fortunate to work alongside some great teams. Working with others, all doing our best, using our common sense, experience and continual professional dialogue to put in place the things children need in some challenging contexts.

A surprising and lovely hidden aspect of education is how many people are willing to give of their time. You just have to be brave, bold, ask questions or seek people out and they will respond with open arms. Surround yourself with people who are aware of the challenges, who will stand with you and help carry you when things are hard.

Why women in education should pursue leadership

Business models look at status, money and power. Leadership in education is not something you do for the money. It’s a tough job, so if you’re doing it for the status, you’re going to disappear quickly. So you do it for the power. Power is having a voice and being in a room where decisions are being made. There is something wonderful and empowering about impacting generational change. It comes from being in a room where you are able to engage in discussions at a high level. I am in spaces where I have the opportunity to speak to secretaries of state and the DfE. I am invited to things even though I am not quiet and my writing can provoke debate. I find myself in spaces that I would not have accessed if I did not have this position. We need to claim space and be confident.

Leaders need to be humble and be aware of the different starting points that people may have had. What we do for children is what we need to do for female colleagues who are aspiring or current leaders. Creating opportunities for aspiring leaders to see what other leaders do is invaluable.

People in leadership roles can help others by supporting with references and encouraging one another to apply for roles whether they are on boards, committees, as volunteers or other school leadership positions. Sometimes you need someone who will say “I am in the room, I will vouch for you, I will be your referee.” Most women don’t believe in themselves enough to put themselves forward. Get your hat in the ring.


  • You don’t have to have all the certificates and qualifications before you step forward for a leadership role. Just know that’s where you want to be, then find good mentors and coaches.
  • If you want to do qualifications, they don’t always need to be in education. Do them in business. Look at what leaders outside education do, whether they are in sport, politics or social commerce. Leadership is leadership.
  • Remember how important family and home are. This is a job. A plan and a network will help make sure you don’t burn out.
  • If you’re going to weather the storm, find your people, your network, so you are not alone.
  • Learn how to stand your ground and know when to fight the good fight.


And don’t forget about the children. In my role I have ‘adopted’ children in different schools in the trust. When I go in to these schools I seek them out and find out from them and others how they are progressing.

We will always have to fight to overcome inequalities. What matters is the action each of us takes.

Danielle Lewis-Egonu is the CEO of Cygnus Academies Trust. 

This article first appeared on the SSAT blog.

This blog is the third in a series of articles published as part of NAHT's Celebrating Diversity in Leadership series. Please note that all views contained within the series are the author's own, and do not necessarily reflect NAHT’s broader policy positions and work. Read other blogs in the series.

Use #ImASchoolLeader if you wish to join the discussion on social media about the blog series and the topics raised.

If you’re interested in sharing your own experiences as part of the series, please contact policy@naht.org.uk.

First published 08 January 2024