NAHT’s Leaders for Race Equality Network is an informal group for our Black, Asian and minority ethnic members. The network is led by members, for members.
The network helps to amplify the voices of our Black, Asian and minority ethnic members, as well as providing support, information and networking opportunities. Members of the network also have the opportunity to participate in the wider work of NAHT – this includes engaging with our policy discussions with government, representing NAHT at campaigning events and feeding into discussions and decision-making with other sectors in the union, such as the Diversity and Inclusion Group (DIG).
Facilitated by NAHT, the network meets online every half term, with the option to engage in a busy WhatsApp group that's used regularly by many of the network members.
Download a copy of our EDI networks flyer [PDF: 290KB].
What do members of the network say about it?
"To realise that our difficulties, confusions or conflicts we all face are shared; that's been really supportive."
"Put simply: I love the group - it's the first group where I've felt I really belong."
Meetings in 2025
Join the network to be informed about upcoming meetings and how to take part.
Virtual meeting dates:
- Tuesday 25 March 2025, 5.30pm to 6.30pm
- Thursday 8 May 2025, 4pm to 5pm.
Joint network meeting dates:
- Wednesday 4 June 2025 – joint online network session, 4.30pm to 6pm.
Network projects

You Are Not Alone: 14 Stories from Education by Leaders for Race Equality
This book shares the personal experiences of 14 NAHT members from Asian, African, Caribbean and multiple backgrounds.
Find out more about the book.
NAHT's anti-racism statement
Following a resolution at NAHT’s annual conference in 2021, NAHT has developed an ‘anti-racism’ statement, outlining its overarching position and work to help improve racial equality in education. In developing this statement, NAHT engaged extensively with the LRE network to gather feedback, suggestions and thoughts on what should be considered, recognised and included.
Read the full statement.
Joining the network
Membership of the network is open to all Black, Asian and minority ethnic NAHT members, across all roles, phases and sectors, including those who may have retired from the profession. If you would like to join the network, please complete this form:
Find out more about equality, diversity and inclusion at NAHT – including details of our other equalities networks, information about our policy and campaigns work, advice and support for members and our EDI calendar