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Diversity and inclusion group

Co-chairs: Diana Ohene-Darko, national executive member (Greater London); the second co-chair position is currently vacant.

The Diversity and Inclusion Group (DIG) is a sub-group of NAHT’s national executive, with representation from national executive members and co-optees (representing NAHT’s equality networks).

DIG focuses on issues relating to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within schools, the profession and NAHT’s democratic structures.

The group's main areas of interest are as follows:

  • To provide an expert steer on NAHT’s work to influence government, policymakers and other interested parties on all areas of education with regard to EDI issues
  • To monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of the NAHT equalities strategy
  • To raise the profile of, and champion EDI across the work of the association
  • To act as a conduit for membership engagement and feedback on issues of EDI; this includes providing representation and member insight from NAHT’s equality networks 
  • To monitor the implementation of external recommendations (eg the TUC) and keep national executive abreast of ongoing issues in equalities legislation
  • To ensure that regional and branch members are kept informed and up to date on matters related to EDI
  • To oversee the process for sending NAHT delegates and motions to TUC equality conferences.

For any other questions about the committee, get in touch with our policy team by emailing 