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EDI hub

A core part of NAHT’s work around equalities and diversity is supporting our members in their role as leaders. As school leaders, NAHT members are ideally positioned to create inclusive learning and working environments for all their pupils and staff.

We believe that this work is most effective when it recognises the different contexts that our members are working in. We also understand that the guidance and support required can change over time.

Following requests from our membership, this page collates NAHT’s advice, guidance and/or resources to support members with equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in their schools. We also highlight some other organisations working in this space and/or who offer resources that members may find useful.

You can read about NAHT's EDI statement, policy and campaigns work here. See the links on the left of this page to learn more about our equalities networks for members.

Download a copy of our EDI networks flyer [PDF: 290KB].


NAHT is affiliated with Maternity Action, the UK’s maternity rights charity. Maternity Action is dedicated to promoting, protecting and enhancing the rights of all pregnant women, new mothers and their families to employment, social security, and healthcare. It aims to reduce poverty, promote health and improve gender equality throughout maternity and the early years, with a special focus on achieving lasting changes for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged women.

Find out more about Maternity Action's services, and the benefits of NAHT's affiliation.

NAHT advice

NAHT’s team of specialist advisors has created a series of guides on key EDI topics and issues for school leaders. Below are some of the newest titles. Click on each for more.

NAHT’s School Leadership Podcast

We regularly post discussions on EDI topics and issues as part of NAHT’s School Leadership Podcast. You can listen and subscribe to the School Leadership Podcast on your usual podcast app.

NAHT's EDI calendar

NAHT has developed a calendar highlighting key diversity and inclusion dates throughout the year.

The calendar is free to download and highlights important equality, diversity and inclusion dates throughout the year, including holy days, religious festivals, health and well-being awareness days, as well as specific education-focused equality events.

External organisations and resources

Please note that NAHT does not endorse or review any individual pieces of guidance from the organisations below. Information presented online is also often a summary of advice and has been created for a generic audience (and may not be updated frequently), so while it can be a useful resource, we recommend that members check the relevant source material, such as legislation or government guidance, as well as any summary information provided online. We also encourage members to consider any such resources in relation to the needs of their own school(s) or setting(s).

  • The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families is a children's charity dedicated to providing training and support for child mental health services. It has specific resources for schools and colleges
  • The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a unique coalition of organisations and individuals who come together to unite against bullying
  • The Black Curriculum is a social enterprise that aims to deliver Black British history across the UK. It runs virtual and in-person programmes for schools, alongside free and licensable resources for schools to teach students about Black history
  • Childnet International is a registered UK charity that aims to make the internet a safe place for children and young people
  • Diverse Educators started as a grassroots community that has evolved to offer training and support
  • Diversity Role Models aims to embed inclusion and empathy in the next generation by bringing LGBT+ and ally role models into schools to share their stories
  • Just Like Us is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) young people’s charity that organises school diversity week
  • Lit in Colour is a Penguin Books initiative that aims to help schools in the UK make the teaching and learning of English literature more inclusive
  • Maternity Action is the UK’s maternity rights charity providing advice, guidance and support pregnant women, new mothers and their families. NAHT is an official affiliate of Maternity Action
  • The National Governance Association is the national membership organisation for governors, trustees and clerks of state schools in England, providing information, advice, guidance and training
  • NSPCC provides training courses and teaching resources to help schools support pupil safeguarding
  • The PSHE Association is the national body for PSHE education, providing support to teachers and schools with resources, training, guidance and advice
  • The Sex Education Forum is a charity and membership organisation that supports educators with training, resources and a membership scheme to support the teaching of relationships and sex education
  • Stonewall is an LGBTQ+ rights charity who campaign to drive positive change in public attitudes and public policy
  • The Traveller Movement advocates for and works with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people to tackle discrimination and promote equality
  • UK Feminista provides resources and training to support students and teachers to tackle sexism in the classroom
  • The UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) is a global partnership helping to make the internet a great and safe place for everyone
  • The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland is an independent public body that oversees equality and discrimination law in Northern Ireland
  • The Equality Coalition is a broad civil society alliance of more than 100 NGOs and trade unions dedicated to promoting equality and compliance with Section 75 within Northern Ireland.

If you have any questions, please contact policy@naht.org.uk.