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TUC equality conferences 2025

Every year the TUC hosts a series of equality conferences that supplement the general work of TUC Congress. These conferences focus on supporting the advancement of issues that disproportionally impact minority groups.

TUC equality conferences in 2025

Deadlines to propose motions and register as a delegate

These are yet to be confirmed.

Attending conference(s)

NAHT will send up to five delegates to each of the equality conferences. Delegates are expected to represent the conference focus. For example, NAHT will seek women members to attend the women’s conference, and Black, Asian or ethnic minority members for the Black workers' conference.

Conference documents 

These will be added during the year as they become available. 

How does it work?

Step 1 – submitting motions

Submitting motions

A motion is typically framed as an instruction to do something. It could be an action; it could be a call to support a campaign, or it could be to use a specific principle in drafting policy.

Submitting motions to the TUC equality conferences gives unions the opportunity to shape the TUC's campaigning agenda for the forthcoming year(s).

Step 2 – amendments to motions

Amendments to motions

Once all motions are collated, the TUC circulates a preliminary agenda. Eligible unions are then invited to review and submit amendments.

Amendments shouldn't try to change the motion but can add additional points and sometimes even widen the scope of what is asked for.

Step 3 – final motions agenda

Final agenda

The finalised motion list is circulated ahead of the conference. At each conference, delegates are asked to vote on which motion should be submitted to the TUC congress, forming part of the national campaigning agenda.

Step 4 – equalities committees

Equalities committees

Each equality conference has a corresponding equality committee who are responsible for advancing the motions once conference has voted and agreed upon them.


