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NAHT regional equality reps pilot scheme

NAHT officials are the backbone of the association. They are central to shaping everything we do as a union and the profession in which our members work.

That’s why we delighted to be launching a one-year pilot, for a new, regional equality rep role, as part of our structures.

The new regional equality reps are intended to further embed and develop NAHT’s equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) work at a regional level; and using insight from local and regional issues, feed back into the overarching national strategy.

You can find out more about NAHT’s EDI work here.

What is an equality rep?

NAHT’s equality reps will work to raise the profile of the equality agenda within their regions, acting as a local advocate, promoting diversity and seeking ways to tackle under-representation (in the profession and within NAHT itself), as well as supporting NAHT’s work to eradicate discrimination and/or harassment in the sector.

What will the role involve?

NAHT’s regional union equality reps will work to raise the profile of the equality agenda within their regions, acting as a local advocate, promoting diversity, and seeking ways to tackle under-representation (in the profession and within NAHT itself), as well as supporting NAHT’s work to eradicate discrimination and/or harassment.

This might include the following activities:

  • raising awareness of, and talking to members about NAHT’s equality networks
  • being aware of harassment, discrimination, and/or general equality issues in the region; and supporting national work to monitor themes or trends
  • supporting NAHT’s EDI strategy at a local and regional level, including ensuring equality aspects are considered in the development of regional plans
  • Promoting equality issues in local campaigns and activities.

Equality reps will not be required to undertake casework or represent members, although they may provide support and advice to those undertaking that role.

For more information about the role, see the role description at the bottom of this page. 

What support is available?

The role will be supported by other union reps, NAHT’s regional teams and the senior equalities officer. All equality reps will feed into NAHT’s democracy through the diversity and inclusion group, a sub-committee of NAHT national executive. The role will also have regular engagement with their current regional officials as well.

Alongside this informal support, you will also have access to TUC-led training, regular online meetings for the equality reps to share experiences and discuss new ways to embed equality within NAHT, and the opportunity to access parts of NAHT’s national training programme for officials:

  • there will be one in-person training day in autumn 2024, and one online training event in spring 2025
  • alongside this, there will be termly, online meetings for the equality reps’ group

this will be accompanied by the option to attend your regional executive meetings, which typically meet four times per year.


The pilot will be open to all NAHT regions to participate in; with an aim to have one representative per region.

The role is open to any member of NAHT, who can advocate for under-represented communities.

How do I apply?

Please complete this application form (a Word document) and return it to policy@naht.org.uk by Wednesday 31 July 2024. These will then be shared with your regional executive for review; and we will look to confirm in September 2024.

Click here to see the role description.

If you would like to find out more about the role or have any questions about the application process, contact policy@naht.org.uk.