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SEND Conference


Reforming the SEND system: accountability, funding and interagency working

Sponsored by Behaviour Hubs

Wednesday 19 October, 2022

The Studio, The Hive, 51 Lever Street, Manchester M1 1FN

Members:  £149

Non-Members:  £199


Join us and give yourself the opportunity to get the bird’s eye view on the rapidly changing landscape of education across the range of provision. Let thinking and planning for your context be enhanced by hearing from outstanding colleagues who are in a position to support us with interpreting and assimilating the implications of the SEND Review for leaders and learners. 

This conference is for school leaders working in all settings who wish to be inspired and energised by SEND reform, securing the very best provision for all of our young people with SEND.


This year’s conferences will be held at is The Studio, Manchester and you can take a virtual tour by clicking here.  Information about nearby hotels and preferential rates can be found here.

Conference Chair

Marijke Miles
Chair, NAHT SEND Sector Council


Keynote Speakers

Annamarie Hassall MBE
Chief Executive NASEN

Mabel Davies CBE












Session One 11:00 - 12:00
The Integration Jigsaw:  Health and Education with Emma Smith, ESC Management Services

In pursuit of a life well lived: Maximising the impact of education beyond school with Simon Knight, Frank Wise School

Special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and the education inspection framework (EIF) with Adam Sproston, HMI

Working in a joined-up approach and what difference this can make to families with Tina Emery and Kath Bromfield, National Network of Parent Carer Forums

Session Two 13:00 - 14:00
Duties on schools under the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Equality Act 2010 and how these would be undermined by the SEND green paper proposals with Maria Bloom, IPSEA

Bog Snorkelling through the muddy waters of SEND Funding with Pauline Aitchison, Deputy Director Schools North East

SEND and Alternative Provision - In It Together or Worlds Apart? Sarah Johnson, President of PRUsAP

Programme (subject to change)

0830 - 0900  Registration

0900 - 0905  Conference introduction from Simon Kidwell, NAHT Vice President

0905 - 0915  Conference Welcome from Marijke Miles, Chair SEND Sector Council

0915 - 0920  Presentation from our Sponsor Behaviour Hubs

0920 - 0930  Keynote Speaker Introduction

0930 - 1020  Keynote one - Annamarie Hassall MBE, Chief Executive NASEN - Setting the scene – the National SEND update

1020 - 1030  Video presentation by Lyfta

1030 - 1100  Break, networking and exhibition viewing

1100 - 1200  Workshop session one

1200 - 1300  Lunch, networking and exhibition viewing

1300 - 1400  Workshop session two

1400 - 1430  Break, networking and exhibition viewing

1430 - 1515  Mabel Davis CBE in conversation with Dr Rona Tutt OBE

1515 - 1530  Conference summary with Marijke Miles, Chair SEND Sector Council

1530  Conference Close


Delegates will have the opportunity to explore the exhibition on the day of the conference. Visit each exhibition stand to learn more about their products and services, collect goodies and earn your stamps as part of the exhibition trail.  Delegates with cards (provided) completed with stamps from all participating exhibitors have the chance to win a selection of prizes, and winner takes all!

Exhibition Trail Prizes
6 Month whole school subscription to Lyfta (T&C's apply)
An Amazon Echo from Mighty Writer
£50 M&S E-gift card from NAHT Personal Financial Services
A bottle of gin from NAHT Wellness and Protect
A free annual subscription for a single school/setting to the LearningShared CPLD Learning, Networking & Collaboration Platform (worth up to £600 ex VAT) from Evidence for Learning | LearningShared
Bottle of champagne from Vision for Education
Book "The First 100 days: Leadership secrets of the Premier League Managers" & 2 tickets to the event "Education 2023: Fasten your seatbelts" from Evaluate-Ed
Free trial day for a SEND Teaching Assistant at the school from SEND Recruitment
A free day of supply & a bottle of wine/champagne from Zen Educate
Mini rugby ball signed by three of CRY’s rugby patrons from CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young), NAHT Presidential Charity
A Headteachers' Hamper full of useful supplies and treats to use during a school day from NAHT Recruiter
A Goody Bag from NAHT
A relaxing pamper set from Gruum (worth £35) from Education Support
A year group pack of the u-fill system, which includes 10 x Quick sticks & 100 of the ‘only refillable glue sticks on the planet’ from Learn Play Nexus

Exhibitor Stands
NAHT Discovery Education Pathway
NAHT Personal Financial Services
NAHT Recruiter
NAHT Wellness and Protect
Behaviour Hubs
CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) - NAHT Presidential Charity
Education Support
Evidence for Learning | LearningShared
National Network of Parent and Carer Forums
Mighty Writer
Rhino UK
SEND Recruitment
Vision for Education
Zen Educate

Who should attend?

School leaders - Heads, Head Teachers, Deputies, SLT and aspiring Heads. Suitable for primary, secondary, special, all-through, independent, maintained and alternative provision.


NAHT Wellness and Protect

Don't forget, for this event please note that members who have signed up for the wellness and protect cover can get their transport and cover fees paid for.  Please click here to see information about this.