with Simon Knight, Frank Wise School

Simon will explore the importance of looking beyond securing an impact on pupil outcomes within school and consider the need to affect change to outcomes beyond school and beyond the involvement of statutory services. He will set out the evidence base for change and discuss some of things that are being considered at school level to ensure that an excellent education increases the chances of a life well lived.
You will be introduced to evidence relating to life outcomes for people with Learning Disabilities, some examples of change being affected within a community Special School and the longer term need to develop societal change.
Facilitator Profile:
Simon is Joint Headteacher at Frank Wise school, a community special school for children aged between two and nineteen with severe or profound and multiple learning disabilities. He has sat on the DfE panels developing both the Professional Standards for Teaching Assistants and the Standard for Teachers’ Professional Development and is currently on the SEND reference group meeting with DfE, and a member of the Teaching School Hubs Council. He regularly writes and contributes comment and content to a range of publications and events on SEND themes and was recently awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Education by Brookes University.