Our priority campaigns
At NAHT, we have always been clear that the end of the immediate threat of industrial action did not mean the end of our campaign on the key issues facing our members.
Whether it be funding, inspection or special educational needs and disabilities –the issues facing schools and our members have not gone away.
We have re-launched our priority campaigns as we continue to campaign for the future of education.
Following extensive consultation with members, including our regional officials and national executive members, we have identified six key areas. Click on each area to find out more.
Get involved
We have worked with members and key campaigners from across all of our regions to develop dedicated toolkits that will help to provide some of the resources and briefing guides that enable our call to action.
Within the toolkits you will find a short guide in relation to the specific campaign area and our overarching objectives. You’ll also find PowerPoints, short videos, features and, crucially, tools to enable you to take forward the campaigns in your local areas.
What we want you to do
You could also use Write to Them to email your own message to your MP.
Other policy areas
Policy research
As one of the leading voices in education, our research reports pack a punch. We endeavour to understand school leaders’ views on the issues that matter most to them. From assessment to recruitment to funding, our reports are highly regarded across the UK.