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 As one of the leading voices in education, our research reports pack a punch. We endeavour to understand school leaders’ views on the issues that matter most to them. From assessment to recruitment to funding, our reports are highly regarded across the UK.


NAHT takes the school leadership crisis to parliament

NAHT is hosting a parliamentary briefing for MPs about the growing school leadership crisis and the urgent measures needed to tackle it.

The event on Wednesday 2 February is being sponsored and chaired by Emma Hardy MP, and follows the recent release of two key NAHT reports: Fixing the leadership crisis: time for change and School business leadership in crisis? Making school business leadership sustainable

NAHT’s policy and organising teams will be there to discuss the findings of the reports, and school leader Diane Ohene-Darko is attending to share her experiences and insights.

The briefing will begin at 9.30am. For updates follow @NAHTnews using #SchoolLeadershipCrisis on Twitter.

First published 26 January 2022