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Rose Tremlett
Head of press 
07545 354363

Rob Devey
Senior press officer
07970 907730

Email: press.office@naht.org.uk 

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Ofsted's autumn inspections are a misjudgement, says NAHT

Nick Brook, deputy general secretary of school leaders’ union, NAHT, said: “The government has misjudged exams and now they’ve misjudged inspection. Ofsted’s autumn visits to schools will satisfy no-one. Frankly the timing of this announcement could not have been worse.

"Ofsted’s planned visits will be a distraction from the important business of returning all pupils successfully to full-time education. The government had already concluded that, in the current circumstances, it would do more harm than good for schools to face inspection this term as they should be focused entirely on reopening for all pupils, not arranging a visit for inspectors. Yet that appears precisely where we have ended up.

“Given that Ofsted will visit fewer than 5 per cent of schools, that parents will have no chance to input into conversations, and that letters will take up to two months to publish, it is misleading to suggest that these visits will provide reassurance to parents either.

“These visits will be a missed opportunity to provide much needed insight to government and share effective practice across schools unless the reporting is amended. NAHT has campaigned for the last two years for a new approach to school accountability, to improve standards in schools further. It is disappointing that the system has failed again to respond to the positive calls of the profession.”


Press and Media contacts:

Steven George
NAHT Head of Press and Media
01444 472886
07970 907730

Rose Tremlett 
Senior Press Officer 
07545 354363

Email : press.office@naht.org.uk

First published 02 September 2020