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07545 354363

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07970 907730

Email: press.office@naht.org.uk 

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NAHT Cymru responds to council motion calling for teachers to 'pledge' not to form intimate relationships with students

Responding as Flintshire County Council debates a motion calling for teachers and school staff to be asked to pledge in front of a manager not to form intimate relationships with students, Laura Doel, national secretary at NAHT Cymru, said:

“Everyone in the teaching profession was appalled by the abhorrent abuse perpetrated in Gwynedd, and our thoughts are with the victims.

“There are already strict safeguarding procedures in place to protect children and ensuring they are adhered to by all is the most appropriate and effective way to deal with any concerns, not to mention perpetrators facing criminal prosecution. We need meaningful action that strengthens safeguarding, not symbolic gestures that do not keep children safe.

“I am deeply disturbed to hear that a proposal to consider asking teachers to take an oath is being considered, let alone discussed. This sends the wrong message to the public and not only does it bring the whole profession into disrepute, it is an insult to the thousands of dedicated teachers and leaders who go above and beyond for their learners, their schools and the communities they serve.

“To enforce something like this insinuates all teachers and leaders cannot be trusted, and our learners are not safe in their care. That is simply not true and grossly unfair to the profession.

“Asking them to swear an oath promising not to abuse children will achieve nothing and risks undermining the trust between teachers, school leaders, and families.”

First published 24 September 2024