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07545 354363

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07970 907730

Email: press.office@naht.org.uk 

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Schools lack funding and staffing needed to expand childcare provision says NAHT

Commenting on the new government guidance for schools on providing wraparound childcare, Paul Whiteman, general secretary at school leaders’ union NAHT, said:

“The large majority of schools already offer some form of wraparound care to families. Where that’s not the case it is often due to logistical challenges, such as a lack of space or a lack of staff to provide such services.

“Additional guidance is unlikely to make much of a difference here, particularly when schools don’t have the funding or staffing to oversee the sort of expansion in provision envisaged by the government. The funding to date is neither sufficient nor permanent, creating a cliff-edge when it comes to an end after five terms.”

First published 08 February 2024