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Schools need help to close attainment gap says NAHT

Responding to findings by the Sutton Trust that highly-able disadvantaged pupils achieve on average a whole grade lower per GCSE subject than the most affluent highly-able children.

James Bowen, assistant general secretary at school leaders’ union NAHT, said: “Barriers faced by disadvantaged children, including in education, have been exacerbated over the last decade by funding cuts to schools and community services, the pandemic, and now the cost of living crisis.

“Schools do their best to support pupils, but they cannot do this alone. The government refused to properly fund its Covid recovery plan, and financial pressures mean many schools will be unable to continue offering extra tutoring to pupils who need it most as government subsidies are reduced.

“Serious government investment is needed, not just schools, but in services like social care and mental health, and in opportunities and financial support for the poorest families. Without this, inequalities will persist and schools will continue to find it difficult to close this unjust attainment gap.”

First published 29 June 2023