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Leadership Focus magazine

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 Our termly magazine for NAHT members. 

Leadership Focus October 2019



In this issue:


  • Effective peer-to peer review - We speak to NAHT deputy general secretary Nick Brook about what effective school-to-school peer review looks like, and how it can have an impact in schools.
  • Recruitment and retention - This summer,NAHT held around-table to discuss the challenges schools face recruiting and retaining teachers.
  • It’s about time - The findings and recommendations of NAHT Edge’s recent middle leader survey.
  • Members in MATs - How NAHT is supporting CEOs in multi-academy trusts.
  • Inspection FAQs - NAHT’s guide to the new inspection framework.
  • Secretary of state Education secretary Gavin Williamson in his own words.
  • School-led improvement - How NAHT Aspire has made a difference in two schools.
  • NAHT Partners Benefits for members from our partners.
  • Agents of change - How an NAHT member is empowering young people to take action on climate change.
  • TransformOurWorld - A new resource hub to help schools empower youth environmental action.
  • Place2Be - Catherine Roche explores new plans to prioritise prevention for mental health.
  • Whatever the weather - The benefits of outdoor learning in the cooler months.
  • A legal view - A recent challenge in an exclusion case, and what this means for schools.
  • Wales - The latest news from NAHT Cymru.
  • Northern Ireland - The latest news from NAHT (NI).
  • NAHT Life - The benefits of NAHT Life membership.
  • Paul Whiteman -  A view from our general secretary.
  • A member’s view - Dame Nicola Stephenson on her career and the support she’s received from NAHT.
  • Help at hand - Popular NAHT advice from the last12months.
  • Courses and conferences - NAHT’sCPD and events designed foryou.
  • The final word - Susan Young on the importance of continuing professional development and learning.
First published 21 October 2019