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Leadership Focus magazine

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 Our termly magazine for NAHT members. 

Leadership Focus April 2024

We’re delighted to share issue 98 of Leadership Focus.

We have some great features for you, including an in-depth look at NAHT’s priority ‘For Their Future’ campaign, a multi-faceted series of asks focusing on pay and funding, special educational needs and disabilities, inspection and accountability, workload and well-being, school buildings and estates, and recruitment and retention. 

Elsewhere in the magazine, we do a deep dive detailing the experiences of members who have been through a recent visit from Ofsted. Also, our journalist, Nic Paton, speaks to NAHT’s Southampton branch about how they’ve been working alongside schools and the city council to provide an inspection support system, offering advice and guidance to those facing inspection.

Of course, we also have our regular updates from Northern Ireland and Wales, the latest opinion piece from the #ImASchoolLeader series and a fascinating last-word column from our own Susan Young on the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in schools.

We trust that you’ll find the magazine a valuable resource. As always, we’re eager to hear your thoughts and ideas. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time. Your feedback is instrumental in shaping our future content.

Best wishes

David Gilmore
NAHT head of communications

Read our April 2024 issue in full

First published 30 April 2024