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NAHT middle leaders


For middle leaders 

NAHT has a category of membership specifically for middle leaders. We offer tailored support and services for middle leaders, online advice and resources, and full trade union protection to give you peace of mind.

Am I eligible? 

To be eligible to join NAHT, you need have a leadership responsibility within an education setting. Roles that are eligible include ALENCO, SENCO, phase leaders and subject leaders. This is not an exhaustive list and if you would like further clarification please email joinus@naht.org.uk.


If you would like to join NAHT, or you’re a current member and would like to speak to someone on the phone, please give us a call on 0300 30 30 333, email us on info@naht.org.uk or click here

Help and advice



If you have responsibility in a specific area of the curriculum or are simply interested in best practice, our guides can help. 


If you want to know about your employment rights and whether you're being treated fairly and consistently, you can find help and advice on matters which may concern you as an employee. 


If you line manage staff or have accountability for a specific area, you can access help and advice to assist you in making informed decisions when carrying out your role.


Latest news 

Physically active learning - key research and resources

What is Physically Active Learning (PAL)?

Learning whilst taking part in a physical activity is claimed to increase academic performances in primary aged children. Physically Active Learning (PAL) is a campaign pioneered by the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine (NCSEM) at Loughborough University to increase children's fitness while improving their academic results. Improvements to engagement, behaviour and concentration on tasks have also been found and the university is currently undertaking a year-long study to examine the effects of PAL within the classroom.

How is PAL used?

The PAL website offers ways that teachers can implement movement integration (MI) into their schools. There are various options where classes do not need to leave the room and cover subjects such as maths and literacy. An example asks children to make the shape of a capital letter or make an exclamation mark by jumping followed by a punch. While the Tagtiv8 game is a more vigorous form of exercise, allowing children to play a version of tag rugby whilst solving maths problems.


If future programmes of activity-based learned are employed in schools, teachers and senior leaders should consider how they:

  •  Support staff who are using PAL in areas such as time management
  •  Identify training to help staff implement PAL and build their confidence
  •  Ensure a whole school approach towards the programme is adhered to.

Find out more

The official PAL website offers information, guidance and many classroom and playground based exercises that can be used by teaching staff. Tagtiv8 is a version of tag rugby that includes problem-solving with maths and English. Information on the yearlong study can be found on the NCSEM website

You can read our literature review on recent research below. 

First published 11 July 2018

First published 11 July 2018