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Everything you need to know about school leaders' pay, pension rates and conditions of employment. 

Have a question about your pension? Email pensionsadvice@naht.org.uk.

School business leader pay and grading

NAHT believes school business leaders (SBLs) who are part of the school leadership team (SLT) should be paid on a similar salary range as other SLT staff. Many SBLs are paid under the arrangements for local authority staff and not on ranges used for the school’s SLT.

This advice note sets out which body has the power to determine SBL pay in various settings and highlights applicable legislation and case law, where relevant. It then gives an overview of equal work and equal pay, and concludes with a discussion around three commonly used job evaluation schemes and possible tactics to use when requesting an evaluation.  

Please also see the corresponding NAHT advice School business leader - recruitment and reward.

First published 07 March 2024