Join us and join in
There are many benefits of getting involved with your union. As an NAHT official (commonly known as a union rep), you will make a difference day after day in ways large and small for our members.
You’ll gain the knowledge, network and support to help your colleagues facing difficult situations and you respond to challenges in your school.
In May 2024, we announced our NAHT regional equality rep pilot scheme – click here to find out more about and apply for this new role.
What does the role of union rep involve?
- Helping to build a strong, vibrant and inclusive professional community at your local branch
- Campaigning to secure positive change in the education system
- Recruiting new members to join NAHT so we remain a strong force in education
- Providing our members with advice and guidance in school
- Negotiating with employers to further our members’ interests in the workplace
- Representing members in discussions with employers.
What areas might I be asked to support our members with?
Whatever you are asked to do, you will never be on your own. As a rep, you will be supported by a team of highly skilled officers who will guide you every step of the way. You will never be tasked with anything that you are not comfortable with or trained for. And we have a programme of training for officials that will support and prepare you for your role.
Areas you might be asked to support our members with include the following:
- Grievances and disciplinaries
- Capability issues
- Bullying and harassment
- Unlawful discrimination
- Contracts and TUPE transfers
- Pay and pensions
- Health and safety
- Recruitments and appointments
- Workplace restructures.
What will you need to learn?
- What the organising approach entails, and how to engage and empower our members
- How to work as a team with our members and other reps
- Our structures, values and rules, and how to act in accordance with them
- The basics of employment law; health, safety and welfare legislation; and financial entitlements for members in difficulties.
What will we do for you?
- We will offer you professional development, so you can grow in your role as an NAHT official
- We will guide and inform you on how to support your colleagues in a variety of situations
- We will listen to your concerns about education issues locally and help you to influence change
- We will train you to become an expert in workplace matters, so you’re comfortable and confident to represent the interests of our members
- We will work with you when faced with difficult circumstances and ensure you have support from our regional officers and specialist advisors.
“NAHT provides people wanting to get involved in promoting the work of our profession with an influential and powerful voice. The training for officials is excellent, and it gives you all you need to take on the challenges we face at work.” Anne Cox, head teacher at Queen's Park Primary & Nursery School.
Look out for information about your next branch meeting and go along – you will be very welcome. If you are unsure who to contact locally and want to get more active, please leave your details here, and your regional organiser will get back to you.