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Industrial action ballot England

September 2023

Read the full inside story of NAHT's industrial action campaign in England – and find out why the government would be unwise to get complacent about pay, inspection and accountability, workload, and recruitment and retention – in this special feature from our Leadership Focus magazine.

July 2023

Eligible NAHT members in England have accepted the government's offer of a 6.5% pay increase, funding for pay, reduction in workload and changes to inspection.

In NAHT’s consultation on the government’s offer, which ran from 17 to 28 July 2023, 85% of members in England who responded voted to accept the government’s offer.

In the formal strike ballot of eligible members in England, which began before the government made its offer and closed on 31 July 2023, 54% of eligible members voted, with 82% voting in favour of action.

It is important to note that NAHT members were ready to strike if the government did not make an acceptable offer. The resolve of NAHT members to do so has been pivotal in reaching this stage.  As a result of members voting to accept the offer, NAHT will not be calling on members to take action.

The deal does not meet all of our ambitions, but it is significant progress beyond that thought possible when negotiations collapsed earlier this year. Crucially, it provides a strong platform on which to renew and continue our ongoing campaigns.

You can read more about these results in our press statement from 31 July 2023.

The offer from the government

The offer made by the government can be summarised as follows:

  • To accept and implement in full the 6.5% pay uplift for all teachers and leaders that are subject to the STPCD, as recommended by the School Teachers' Review Body (STRB)
  • The government has committed to provide additional funding for schools to help cover the cost of the increase by funding the first 3% of the pay award. It is anticipated that most schools will have been advised by their LA or trust to budget for a 3.5% pay award from existing resources, as this was the recommendation originally made by the government to the STRB in February 2023 
  • Establishment of a £40 million ‘hardship fund’ for schools facing specific financial difficulties as a result of this offer 
  • A commitment to urgently establish a workload reduction taskforce with the unions with initial recommendations by October 2023 
  • A commitment from the government for talks with the unions, Department for Education and the new chief inspector due to be appointed shortly to review all aspects of inspection.

For more information and FAQs on the additional funding provided by government, please click here.