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National forum for neuroscience and special education


Chair: Dr Rona Tutt OBE 

“Education is concerned with enhancing learning, and neuroscience is concerned with understanding the mechanisms of learning. It seems only logical that one should inform the other” – Dame Professor Uta Frith, patron of the National Forum for Neuroscience and Special Education. 

Aim of the forum

To bring together scientists, teachers, and social care professionals to share knowledge and expertise on special education in the context of neuroscience. Founded in 2011 by Professor Barry Carpenter CBE, Professor Francesca Happé and Dr Rona Tutt OBE (a past president of NAHT), the forum is independent, and reports to NAHT’s SEND sector council


  • encourage discourse around the changing pattern of childhood disability
  • share insights from both fields that lead to innovative practice and better learning outcomes for children. 
  • campaign on issues of interest to the forum, for example: 
    • better training for teachers
    • more support for students with mental health issues
    • and greater flexibility in the school system over ages and class groups

Information sheets

The forum is actively working on producing high-quality information sheets for NAHT members. Each sheet refers to a different condition, or circumstance, that a pupil may have and gives information on what teachers need to know to best help their pupils to thrive. 

The seven topics covered so far are: 

These can be downloaded as a set or individually using the links above. The next batch will be added during 2022 and launched at NAHT’s annual SEND Conference, taking place on Wednesday 19 October 2022 in Manchester. 

Learn more about the NFNSE:

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