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Assessment and accountability group


Chair: Amanda Hulme, head teacher, Claypool Primary School, Bolton

The assessment and accountability sub-committee focuses on issues relating to assessment and accountability across the country and in primary schools, secondary schools, all-through schools, special schools, multi-academy trusts, stand-alone academies and maintained schools. It meets four times a year, providing an expert steer on NAHT's work to influence government, policymakers and other interested parties on all areas of education with regard to assessment and accountability issues. The sub-committee has also played a key role in supporting and advising on NAHT's Commission on Assessment (2014), the Accountability Commission (2018) and the Commission on School Improvement (2020). 

Areas of focus for the council include the following:

  • Accountability measures, including matters relating to performance data and inspection
  • Matters relating to assessment at all phases, including statutory assessments, the qualification framework and the exam system.

For any questions about the council, get in touch with our policy team by emailing policy@naht.org.uk.