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NAHT member proposition


Why join NAHT?

At NAHT, we support and grow communities of like-minded professionals, from aspiring leaders through to middle, senior and retired leaders.

Our unrivalled professional and personal development paths, expertise and legal protection will support both you and your career journey.

We do this in the following ways:

Providing you with expert resources, information and guidance on up-to-date key issues, and access to a like-minded community of more than 40,000 members

Inviting you to bespoke conferences where you have the opportunity to share experiences with each other, listen to key educational leadership topics and join debates with your peers and seniors

Ensuring you have dedicated legal protection and advice from specialist advisers (including employment matters)

Delivering a focused and respected voice through lobbying and consultation with key decision makers

 Combined with the benefits of a leading trade union with expert 1:1 telephone guidance, we will support you through both the best and most challenging times of your career, from the start of your leadership journey to your retirement years.

We are proud to work with our current members who enable our strength and depth of voice, and we invite and encourage new members to help us make our combined voice and community stronger.