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 As one of the leading voices in education, our research reports pack a punch. We endeavour to understand school leaders’ views on the issues that matter most to them. From assessment to recruitment to funding, our reports are highly regarded across the UK.


Assessment Review Group publishes report on the future of assessment

In the spring of 2016 a consensus emerged within the profession, and beyond, that a fundamental review of statutory assessment was needed. The independent Assessment Review Group was established in May 2016 to consider the current system and to try to identify an alternative, better vision for the future. The group comprised a number of people with different educational backgrounds and a diverse range of opinions. This was key, as the group firmly believed plurality of ideas to be of paramount importance when it came to the effective analysis of assessment.

This report is the culmination of the discussions that took place within the group over a series of meetings. The report sets out a series of principles that should underpin any future assessment system. It is hoped that the report will act as a conversation starter, and a tool to provoke further thought and discussion in the lead up to consultation.


First published 14 December 2017