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NAHT responds to call for evidence on PSHE and RSE

NAHT has responded to the Department for Education's call for evidence on 'Changes to the teaching of Sex and Relationship Education and PSHE' and you can read our submission here.

NAHT has long advocated statutory PSHE and age-appropriate sex and relationships education, for all pupils in all schools, to help prepare young people for the challenges they will encounter in their adult lives and the current challenges they face beyond the school gates.

NAHT welcomed the passing of the Children and Social Work Act earlier this year, introducing 'relationships education' in all primaries, and 'relationships and sex' education in all secondary schools from 2019, along with the potential to make PSHE education statutory in its entirety, pending consultation. But more progress is vital. 

NAHT is calling for PSHE Education to be made statutory, for all pupils, in all schools, to the same timescales as RSE. PSHE is the vehicle which will support the successful and effective delivery of RSE and make it work for schools and students as well as raise the status of the subject.

Our response to the call for evidence utilised the data from our survey in October on PSHE and RSE. You can read the report on the survey here.

 Our research showed that:

  • 91% of respondents believe PSHE should be taught in regular timetabled lessons in their school.
  • Just under half (49%) say that PSHE and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) do not have the same status as other subjects but over 90% thought that they should.
  • Only 51% of respondents agreed that RSE in their school is taught by teachers who have had training in the subject.


NAHT will continue its campaigning work, engaging with the government and other stakeholders to ensure that PSHE Education is made statutory, for all pupils, in all schools, to the same timescales as RSE.

First published 19 February 2018