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NAHT Policy Conference 2021

Conference delegates, please click here to download the NAHT conference guide and delegate brochure. 

Here you will find news and views from our annual conference which will take place in County Hall, London between Friday 8 and Saturday 9 October. 
You can also keep up-to-date with the latest news by following @NAHTNews and #NAHTConf on Twitter or watch our live stream on our Facebook page here

Officials' and Policy Conference 2021: guides and related documents

Please find below the documents for delegates attending NAHT Officials' Conference 2021 and/or NAHT Policy Conference 2021.

Documents for NAHT Officials' Conference 2021:


Documents for NAHT Policy Conference 2021:


If you are attending Officials’ Conference ONLY: 
Please complete the Officials' Conference expenses form and submit it to your local branch/region for payment

If you are attending Policy Conference ONLY: 
Please complete the Policy Conference expenses form and email it with receipts to finance@naht.org.uk

If you are attending Policy Conference AND Officials' Conference:
Pease complete the Policy Conference expenses form and email it with receipts to finance@naht.org.uk  Please mark clearly in the comments section that you have attended both Conferences. The whole claim will be paid centrally and the finance team will arrange for the costs to be correctly allocated internally.


First published 24 September 2021

