On Wednesday 2 October, the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is launching a new online portal to replace NCA tools.
The Primary Assessment Gateway will be open to primary schools, local authorities and multi-academy trusts for activities relating to 2019/20 national curriculum assessments.
NCA tools users will receive an email to notify them that their new account has been set up. This will contain a link to set a new password.
Please ensure that you:
Once you have signed in, select the 'My activity' tab. This is where you can find the tasks you need for test administration in 2019/20. Tasks will only be available at the points in the year when you need to do them.
You can also set up new accounts for colleagues in the 'My activity' tab.
For more information, please see STA's guidance on using the Primary Assessment Gateway.
You can continue to access 2019 key stage 2 test results in NCA tools until 11:59pm on Friday 29 November.
First published 02 October 2019
First published 02 October 2019