The government has launched a review of the existing national curriculum, statutory assessments and qualification system in England, to ensure they are fit for purpose and meeting the needs of children and young people. You can read the terms of reference for the review here.
The review is chaired by Professor Becky Francis CBE, CEO of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), and you can read more detailed information about her and the members of the panel here.
Call for evidence
The review panel ran a call for evidence that was open until 22 November 2024.
NAHT submitted a response to this call for evidence on behalf of members which you can access below.
See NAHT's response to the curriculum and assessment review call for evidence.
Interim report
The interim report of the review was published on 18 March 2025 and sets out particular areas of focus for the next stage of the review.
The overcrowded curriculum, the negative impact of the EBacc, the excessive volume of assessment at key stage four, the ineffective resit policy and the need for a range of vocational and technical qualifications post-16 were among the issues raised in NAHT’s response to the call for evidence. These are all acknowledged and will be subject to further exploration by the review.
However, the opportunity to reduce the negative impacts of – and the costs and resources required for – primary statutory assessments has been ignored. Read our press comment.
NAHT will continue to engage in the review process to influence the final report, due to be published in the autumn, which we hope will set out clear recommendations for positive change.
First published 20 November 2024