In our further evidence to the School Teachers' Review Body (STRB), NAHT has rejected the evidence on which the government bases its pay policy, which will deliver further real-term pay cuts to school leaders.
Since 2010:
- Leaders' salaries have fallen in real terms by 15% against CPI
- In today’s prices, that’s the equivalent of a pay cut from £48,363 to £42,195 for a leader on the minimum leadership pay point – the loss would be even greater for more experienced leaders at higher points of the scale.
The government’s plan is to uplift new entrant salaries (M1) by 8.9% in 2022/23 and 7.1% in 2023/24, but to reduce pay progression with lower rises for all other professionals, undermining the premium for experience and leadership.
For school leaders (and UPR teachers) the proposed uplift is 3% in 2022/23 and 2% in 2023/24.
- This means school leaders’ pay looks set to fall further in real terms. This could result in a 21% real-term pay cut to school leaders for the period 2010 to 2022/23 alone, and that’s assuming a 3% pay uplift from September 2022.
- In today’s prices that would be the equivalent to a pay cut of £9,255 for a leader on the minimum leadership pay point – the loss would be even greater for more experienced leaders at higher points of the scale.
Find out more: read our supplementary evidence to the STRB.
Join the campaign: head to our pay campaign page, take action and make your voice count!
First published 28 March 2022