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Recruitment and retention

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School leaders are driven by an ambition to provide opportunities for young people to reach their full potential. To fulfil that ambition, teaching must attract and retain a high-quality, well-trained and properly rewarded workforce. 

Through our work with members, NAHT is documenting and communicating the unfolding recruitment and retention crisis taking place in our schools to policymakers at the highest levels. 

NAHT is campaigning to:

Ensure all schools can recruit and retain excellent teachers and leaders

  • Lobby for change and reform of key macro issues affecting recruitment and retention: pay, accountability, funding and workload and identify key actions to be taken to improve these
  • Press for the development of a range of flexible leadership and non-leadership pathways to support recruitment and retention, including new opportunities that will retain the experience and expertise of mid to late career leaders
  • Build on the opportunities offered by the Early Career Framework to press for similar support for new heads, deputies and assistants, and school business leaders
  • Maintain a watching brief on the impact of Brexit on teacher supply
  • Lobby the DfE for practical measures to address the workload of school leaders, including protection of strategic leadership time
  • Campaign for a staged real term, restorative pay award for teachers and school leaders
  • Develop a position on the role of CEOs and other posts outside the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) including a position on which roles should have a requirement for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
  • Lobby for a review of the pay system, including the STPCD
  • Press government to maintain and enhance the teacher's pension scheme and/or Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)
  • Support work to ensure the profession represents a diverse workforce, including those with protected characteristics
  • Support effective partnerships between school leaders and governors with clarity of roles and responsibilities across different school structures.

Create a safe working environment for school leaders and their staff

  • Lobby the DfE to take concrete steps to tackle verbal and physical abuse and aggression against school staff, including harassment online and through social media.  

Ensure professional recognition of school business leaders (SBLs)

  • Lobby the DfE for SBLs to be included within a new national framework of terms and conditions for school staff
  • Promote the professional standards framework for all SBLs
  • Raise the profile and understanding of the SBL role across the school sector, including with governors.  


DFE to provide more support for teachers completing their NQT induction this summer

Following pressure from NAHT and sister unions, the DfE has announced it will provide funding equivalent to an additional 5% time off timetable in 2021/22 for all teachers who complete their NQT induction this summer. This is a one-off, non-statutory payment that can be used to support the development of this cohort of teachers, whose first year has been so disrupted by the pandemic. The funding can be used flexibly:

  • Time off timetable can be grouped together in different ways, for example, taken as whole days or half days. 
  • Schools will be able to access DfE-accredited development materials based on the Early Career Framework for this cohort to use during this time off timetable.
  • Schools will receive this funding in summer term of 2022. Funding will be based on School Workforce Census returns.

The following FAQs have been provided by the DfE.

DfE FAQs: additional funding for those currently undertaking induction


On 2 June, the prime minister announced next steps in the government’s plans to boost education recovery with a total of £1.4 billion being invested.

In recognition of the challenging initial teacher training and induction newly qualified teachers (NQTs) have experienced due to the pandemic, all state funded schools that currently have an NQT who is due to complete induction this summer will have access to a one-off payment to further support the development of this cohort.

Schools with NQTs due to complete induction this summer will have access to funding for the equivalent of an additional 5% off timetable for next academic year so these teachers have additional time to invest in their development. This time off timetable is not statutory but it has been designed to be used flexibly so that as many new teachers as possible can benefit from this additional support. We trust schools and their leaders to know what works best for them and their staff. Time off timetable can be grouped together in different ways, for example, taken as whole days or half days off.

Schools will be able to access DfE-accredited development materials based on the Early Career Framework for this cohort to use during this time off timetable.

Schools will receive this funding in summer term of 2022. Funding will be based on School Workforce Census returns.

Q: Is there flexibility on how schools use the time off timetable? Eg does it need to be weekly?

The funding has been calculated as an equivalent to 5% off timetable every week for a 2020/2021 NQT over the 2021/2022 academic year but it does not have to be used this way. The funding should be used to support the development of the teacher but can be grouped together in different ways, for example, whole days or half days off timetable.  

Q: It is too late in the day for this to be operationalised, what flexibility is there in how schools deliver this?
We recognise that the confirmation of this funding has taken place when school timetabling for next year may have been completed. We trust schools to understand the best way to use this money to support development of new teachers and we want school leaders to have as much flexibility as possible in how this funding is used. 

The funding has been calculated as an equivalent to 5% off timetable every week for a 2020/2021 NQT over the 2021/2022 academic year but does not have to be used this way. 

The funding should be used to support the development of the teacher but can be scheduled in different ways, for example, whole days or half days.  

Q: Why is this a one-off payment?
From September 2021, all new teachers will be entitled to a 2-year induction based on the Early Career Framework (ECF). 

This one-off funding to support NQTs who have undertaken induction during 2020/2021 recognises the impact of the pandemic on those who will not benefit from the ECF-reforms.

This time off timetable is not statutory. 

Q: How will schools receive this payment?
You will receive this funding as part of your normal payments from ESFA.

Q: When will schools receive this payment?
We will pay in arrears (in the summer term of 2022) to ensure that the payments are as accurate as possible.

Paying in arrears will minimise issues around teachers having moved schools between their first and second years. 

Q: How will schools be held to account for spending this money?
As we will be paying in arrears (in the summer term of 2022) we will ask schools to confirm that the money has been spent in the way intended. This will be done shortly in advance of making payment, and acceptance of the funding will be taken as confirmation. We will ensure that as part of this grant payment process, there is clear communication around the terms and conditions for accepting the money and the subsequent requirements for schools related to assurance.  

Schools should keep some record of this expenditure - such as a receipt for classroom cover, or a timetable for the NQT (s) involved, but we will not mandate what form this record should take, and trust school leaders to use their judgement. 

We reserve the right to conduct light-touch, proportionate assurance such as spot checks with individual schools, asking for sight of such records. 

In advance of accepting any funding, schools will have the opportunity to notify us of any changes, if, for example, the teacher changes school during the academic year.  

We will confirm how we will collect confirmation schools do not want to receive this funding, or of changes to circumstances, in the grant conditions.

Q: What should this time off timetable be used for?
This funding is designed to support the development of NQTs who are due to complete their induction this summer. 

This funding is available to provide this cohort with additional time to invest in their development given the disruptions they have experienced during their initial teacher training and induction as a result of the pandemic.

Time off timetable should be used for activities related to professional development, and schools will have access to high quality DfE-accredited development materials based on the Early Career Framework to use during this time off timetable.

This time off timetable is not statutory.

Q: How will schools access ECF materials?
All teachers will have access to the high quality DfE-accredited development materials produced as part of the Early Career Framework to support their ongoing professional development.

Schools will be directed to the DfE-accredited materials via the Gov.UK Teacher CPD digital service. We will contact schools directly, in the Autumn term, when they are able to access these materials. 

Q: Is this statutory/compulsory
This time off timetable is not statutory. 

If a school does decide to utilise this funding, they will need to ensure their NQTs who are due to complete induction this summer are given the equivalent to 5% off timetable, and that this time is used for development. This can be grouped together in different ways, for example, whole days or half days off timetable.  

Schools that will not be using the funding in the way it was intended – if, for example they are unable to accommodate the time off timetable, or if they and their NQT do not feel that accessing the development materials is a good fit for them -  should notify the Department. Schools should also inform us if they are no longer eligible for the funding, or if they were not previously eligible but now are. 

We will confirm how we will collect confirmation schools do not want to receive this funding, or of changes to circumstances, in the grant conditions.

Q: Is using the DfE accredited materials compulsory?
This funding is available to enable this cohort to have additional time to invest in their development given the disruptions they have experienced during initial teacher training and induction as a result of the pandemic.

Time off timetable should be used for activities related to professional development and it will be up to school leaders to determine what will be the most beneficial to their NQTs. 

Schools will have access to freely available DfE-accredited development materials based on the Early Career Framework to use during this time off timetable. There are a range of self-study materials available that have been designed for teachers at the start of their careers to use independently. It is not compulsory to use these materials.

Q: What will be the role of the mentor in the second year for 20/21 NQTs?
There will be no requirement for dedicated mentors for this cohort. 

Q: How did you calculate the funding?
The funding amount will be calculated by taking the average salary of NQTs, split by region.

NQT Unit Cost 

England (excluding the London Area) 

Inner London Area 

Outer London Area 

Fringe Area 

Rounded NQT Unit cost 






The funding ‘unit cost’ is based on 5% off timetable time (teaching time) for NQTs in the 2021/2022 academic year and equates to 44 hours. We have used the minimum threshold on the Main Pay Range for the NQT time.

Q: I am employing an NQT who has undertaken induction during 2020/2021 but they didn’t complete induction at this school, how will I get this funding?
Schools who have employed NQTs who have moved schools post-induction will still be eligible to receive this funding. Discussions are currently ongoing as to how these NQTs will be identified and how payments will be made, and we will confirm shortly.

Q: I am currently undertaking induction, what does this mean for me?
This will not extend your statutory induction period. If you are undertaking a standard-length induction currently, you will still complete that this academic year if you meet the assessment requirements.

This means that from this September, post induction, your school will have access to additional funding for time off timetable (on top of PPA time) for you to focus on your development.  As part of this, you can access freely avaliable ECF materials. This is to recognise the disruption you have faced during your initial teacher training and induction. This time off timetable is not statutory. We would advise talking to your headteacher to learn more about your school’s professional development arrangements and if they intend to access this funding.

Q: Does this mean induction will be extended?
No. Those undertaking statutory induction this year will still be subject to a one-year induction period. This additional funding will give further time for this cohort to focus on their development in light of the exceptional circumstances of training to teach during the pandemic. This time off timetable is not statutory. We would advise NQTs talk to their headteacher to learn more about their school’s professional development arrangements and if they intend to access this funding.

Q: My NQT will finish induction and is then going on maternity leave/career break - can we spend the funding to support them when they return?
In these circumstances, ECTS can access the additional support on their return to teaching. Schools should keep some record of this expenditure - such as a receipt for classroom cover, or a timetable for the NQT(s) involved, but we will not mandate what form this record should take, and trust school leaders to use their judgement. 

We will ensure that as part of this grant payment process, there is clear communication around the terms and conditions for accepting the money and the subsequent requirements for schools related to assurance. Schools should keep some record of this expenditure - such as a receipt for classroom cover, or a timetable for the NQT(s) involved, but we will not mandate what form this record should take, and trust school leaders to use their judgement.

We reserve the right to conduct light-touch, proportionate assurance such as spot checks with individual schools, asking for sight of such records.

In advance of accepting any funding, schools will have the opportunity to let us know they do not want to receive this funding or notify us of any changes, if, for example, the teacher changes school during the academic year.

We will confirm how we will collect confirmation schools do not want to receive this funding, or of changes to circumstances, in the grant conditions.

ECF development materials

This funding is designed to support the development of NQTs who are due to complete their induction this summer. Funding should be used to provide this cohort with additional time to invest in their development given the disruptions they have experienced during their initial teacher training and induction as a result of the pandemic.

Schools will have access to DfE-accredited development materials based on the Early Career Framework to use during this time off timetable. There are a range of self-study materials available that have been designed for teachers at the start of their careers to use independently. It is not compulsory to use these materials.


First published 23 June 2021