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Press and Media contacts:

Millie Clarke
Head of press 
07933 032588

Rob Devey
Senior press officer
07970 907730

Email: press.office@naht.org.uk 

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NAHT comments on referrals to children’s social care Commenting on reports that a third of referrals from children’s social care resulted in No Further Action, James Bowen, Director of Policy at school leaders’ union, NAHT said: “When schools refer a child to social care, it takes place only when a professional who really knows that child, has thought long and hard before asking for external support. So it is a real worry if around a third of those referrals result in no further action. 09 February 2022
NAHT comments on Hays/ISBL recruitment survey of education sector Commenting on the publication of Hays’ recruitment survey of the education sector, Paul Whiteman, General Secretary of school leaders’ union, NAHT said: “School business leaders are a vital part of the education workforce and so it is a real concern that so many are saying that their job satisfaction has worsened because of the pandemic. 09 February 2022