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07545 354363

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07970 907730

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School leaders on the Isle of Man vote to accept new pay offer to end long-standing dispute

Following negotiations over the past four weeks between education unions and the Department of Education, Sport and Culture (DESC), a new a pay proposal has been put to the vote amongst school leaders on the Isle of Man.

Members of school leaders’ union NAHT, which represents leaders in every school on the Isle of Man, answered a consultation ballot over the weekend. 97.5% said they were prepared to accept the pay offer. The turnout was 66.9%.

Rob Kelsall, NAHT national secretary, said: “NAHT members throughout the Isle of Man have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a deal which will bring this dispute to an end. It’s now time for DESC to deliver on the terms of the agreement and crucially for this to mark the beginning of the end to our long-running dispute and the start of a new relationship with DESC.

“School leaders and teachers should never be forced into a corner where taking industrial action is the only option left open to us. Our members continue to go above and beyond in delivering education in these unprecedented times. The agreement goes some way in providing a framework to ensure that we have an education system which is fit for purpose and continues to deliver for children and young people on the Isle of Man.”

Education professionals on the Isle of Man were forced to take industrial action earlier this year as DESC failed to resolve a long-standing dispute over pay. A damning independent review of DESC at the end of September revealed cultural issues were the root cause of the fractured relationship between the department and schools.

Mr Kelsall added: “The proposal not only goes some way in redressing the injustice of the 2018/19 pay award but crucially addresses a range of issues not linked to pay which we believe will help to re-set the relationship between the department and schools. School Leaders have been striving to ensure the best quality of education for children and young people on the Isle of Man. We welcome the new approach of the Interim Chief Executive and his team and believe this bodes well for the future.”

Press and Media contacts:

Steven George
NAHT Head of Press and Media
01444 472886
07970 907730

Rose Tremlett 
Senior Press Officer 
07545 354363

Email : press.office@naht.org.uk

First published 23 November 2020