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High quality early years education vital says NAHT

Commenting on a new report out from Early Years charity Kindred Squared highlights the scale of the school readiness Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders’ union, the NAHT said:

“These survey results are very interesting and suggest there may be a degree of disconnect between some parents and schools in terms of what it means to be ready to start school in reception. Of course, all parents want the best for their child and schools do too. There is perhaps more that could be done to help all parents ensure their children are ready to thrive when starting school and are able to access support if and when they need it.

“The disruption caused by the pandemic undoubtedly had an impact on the development of some young children, and many school leaders have reported concerns around speech and language development in particular. High-quality early years education is really important and is vital in helping to narrow the gap between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers.

"It is therefore positive that the new Government has made clear that early years is among its top priorities, and it will be important that policies like expanding nursery provision and improved access to childcare are supported by the necessary funding and investment in the workforce.

"We would also like to see crucial support services rebuilt so that young children receive the support they need as early as possible."


First published 30 January 2025