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Head of press 
07933 032588

Rob Devey
Senior press officer
07970 907730

Email: press.office@naht.org.uk 

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Lack of investment to blame for shortage of childcare places, says school leaders' union

Responding to the results of the 2023 survey of parents on childcare and early years - which showed just 42% of parents believe there are enough childcare places, down from 47% last year, Paul Whiteman, general secretary at school leaders’ union NAHT, said:

“It is clear that a significant group of parents are still struggling to access early education and childcare.

"This is largely as a result of underinvestment in the sector under the previous government. The new government has rightly made early years a priority and a big part of that work will need to be focused on ensuring sufficient places are available, particularly with the impending expansion of government funded hours.

"NAHT stands ready to work with the government as it looks to expand nursery provision.”

First published 25 July 2024