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Shortfall in school meal funding adding to 'impossible choices' over school budget cuts says NAHT

Commenting on the government’s announcement that it will increase the amount given to schools to help fund universal infant free school meals from £2.41 per child to £2.53 for the 2023/24 financial year, James Bowen, assistant general secretary at school leaders’ union NAHT, said:

“While this small increase is better than nothing, it will still leave many schools having to heavily subsidise the provision of free school meals from budgets already under considerable pressure after years of real-terms government funding cuts and now soaring inflation.

“If government funding had kept pace with inflation since the introduction of universal free school meals for infants in 2014, schools would now be receiving £2.87 per child according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Suppliers may have to pass on increased costs and while schools will work with them to try and maintain the quality of food provided, school leaders are facing impossible choices about where to cut spending.

“We need to see much more government investment in free school meals – not only to fully fund the costs of universal infant provision but also to expand eligibility for older children so that all pupils in households in receipt of universal credit receive them.

"It is unacceptable that not all children living in poverty currently receive free school meals and we know access to a proper nutritious meal every day has enormous benefits for children’s wellbeing, development and learning.”

First published 29 June 2023