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07970 907730

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NAHT comments on Education Committee report into primary careers guidance

Commenting on a new report from the Education Select Committee on the importance of careers guidance in primary school, Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders' union NAHT, said:

“NAHT agrees that careers education, linked to raising aspirations, should begin at primary school by helping pupils to understand how working hard at school can bring fantastic opportunities in later life and giving primary age pupils an insight into different careers.

“Primary Futures, run in partnership with NAHT, has been doing this work for many years. It works with schools to broaden horizons, challenge stereotyping – for example, by gender, ethnicity and social background – and bring learning to life from an early age.

“Primary Futures provides primary-aged children the chance to meet people beyond their immediate family networks. People who can help challenge the stereotypical views that can often limit children’s ambitions and life choices. This has been transformational for many children and has a very a positive role to play in raising aspiration, destroying harmful stereotypes and creating a real affinity for education with children for the most disadvantaged backgrounds.

“The success of the programme owes much to the involvement of primary heads and teachers over the years, developing something that meets their and their children's needs (backed up by robust research) rather than being an imposed secondary model. It is a highly effective program that if rolled out more widely would attract a very positive response from the profession.”

First published 29 June 2023