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Press and Media contacts:

Rose Tremlett
Head of press 
07545 354363

Rob Devey
Senior press officer
07970 907730

Email: press.office@naht.org.uk 

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In response to the publication of a long-awaited report from Estyn into the regional consortia, Laura Doel, NAHT Director for Wales, said:

“This report reaffirms what our members have been telling us and in turn what we have been telling the Welsh Government – support received by schools by the consortia in preparing for the new curriculum is variable, inconsistent and leaves schools vulnerable.

When so much time and money is spent in creating a regional approach to school improvement, it is crucial that is delivers, and at the moment there are clearly flaws in the system. Where areas of good practice have been identified, this should be rolled out across the regions to ensure support gets to those who need it most.

NAHT Cymru is calling for an immediate whole-scale review of the middle tier in Wales, ensuring that every element provides the very best value for money in education. We support the recommendations by Estyn and in turn call for the government to add our call to the list.

School leaders, teachers and support staff are doing all they can to ensure the new curriculum is successful during the most challenging of times. A report identifying how they are being failed is a damning indictment on the system”

A full copy of the report can be accessed here: https://www.estyn.gov.wales/system/files/2022-03/The%20Curriculum%20for%20Wales%20-%20how%20are%20regional%20consortia%20and%20local%20authorities%20supporting%20schools_0.pdf

First published 25 March 2022