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NAHT comments on Lit in Colour report into percentage of BAME authors studied at GCSE

Commenting as new research from Lit in Colour shows that fewer than 1% of young people study a book by a writer of colour for GCSE in England, and just 7% study a book by a woman, Ruth Davies, immediate past president of school leaders’ union NAHT, who sits on the advisory board for the group, said:

“Education can play a pivotal role in tackling discrimination in society. Through education we can start to build a truly inclusive society. Through education we can change minds, and challenge prejudice and inequity.

“It is important for all children and young people to see themselves in literature and to read a wide range of backgrounds and ethnicities. This is vital, not just to break down stereotypes and prejudice, but to build diversity of role models for pupils to aspire to as well.

“By so narrowly limiting the authors chosen for study we are missing out on the work of so many brilliantly talented authors. We can only benefit as a society from exposure to the widest possible range of work, from writers of all backgrounds, skin colours and genders.”

First published 29 June 2021