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Leadership Focus magazine

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 Our termly magazine for NAHT members. 

Leadership Focus October 2018

In this issue:
  • How members shape our work
    A handy infographic on how to get involved in your union.
  • Accountability
    We look at how school accountability could be improved.
  • Primary Futures
    Helping pupils to understand the link between learning and their futures.
  • Aspiring to great things…
    A look at how NAHT Aspire can help schools to plan the next steps on their improvement journeys.
  • Place2Be
    The role teachers play in supporting pupils’ well-being.
  • NAHT partners
    Let your membership pay for itself – and then some!
  • School funding
    Update from our regions on the work they’re doing to shine a light on the impact the funding crisis is having on UK schools.
  • Top five advice resources
    A summary of our most popular advice topics from the summer term.
  • Strictly Education
    We look at the range of pre-employment checks required when taking on a new employee.
  • Financial accountability
    The rise of resource-led financial planning.
  • New learning goals for the early years
    NAHT Edge director James Bowen investigates.
  • DfE’s new strategy on careers education
    What does it mean for your secondary school?
  • Secondary accountability
    Why education is more than progress in eight subjects.
  • Wales
    Policy update from Rob Williams.
  • Northern Ireland
    Policy update from Helena Macormac.
  • Maximising the impact of your SENCo
    Using a SENCo to improve the outcomes of children and young people.
  • Tapping into the lives of teachers
    We speak to the founders of the Teacher Tapp app.
  • What lies beneath: dropping the perceived mask of strength
    The importance of showing vulnerability and prioritising your well-being.
  • Wellness design
    How interiors can aid the learning process.
  • Life members
    Hilary Alcock discusses her switch to life membership.
  • Paul Whiteman
    A view from our general secretary.
  • Empty Promises
    NAHT survey reveals pressure felt by members within SEND.
    New learning opportunities for members.
  • Hand-picked training courses
    A focus on the key courses you may wish to attend.
  • The final word
    Susan Young on developing an open-door culture.
First published 23 October 2018
First published 23 October 2018