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Leadership Focus magazine

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 Our termly magazine for NAHT members. 

Leadership Focus February 2019



In this issue:



  • Adventurous learning - Head teacher Jon LeFevre talks about his campaign and charter commiting schools to not put pressure on children sitting SATS.
  • The secrets of inspiring leadership - Head teacher Marijke Miles and her leadership team on helping pupils flourish and achieve.
  • NAHT Aspire - A look at what makes a leader inspirational.
  • Learning inspiration - Members of NAHT’s Deputy and Assistant Heads Sector Council discuss inspirational leadership.
  • Learners as leaders - Place2Be’s Catherine Roche on what it takes to be a good leader and support mental health.
  • NAHT partners Membership benefits from our partners.
  • Ofsted proposals - NAHT’s response o Ofsted’s draf new inspection ramework and how to have your say.
  • Top five resources - The most popular advice topics from the autumn term.
  • NAHT assured How Strictly Education plans to make a difference in 2019.
  • Leading the way - The critical role of school business leaders.
  • Effective leadership 0 Ahead of NAHT’s Inspiring Leadership Conference, three sector leading lights give their opinion on leadership.
  • Demand and supply - NAHT is calling for an above-inflation pay increase for all teachers and leaders, and action on recruitment and retention.
  • Wales - Apolicy update from Rob Williams.
  • Northern Ireland - The latest news from NAHT(NI).
  • NAHT Life - The member offer for NAHT Life  members.
  • Lessons from Finland - What Wales can take from the Finnish system.
  • A legal view - Simon Thomas looks at fair investigations.
  • Paul Whiteman - A view from our general secretary.
  • Parentkind - Why parents play a pivotal role in school improvement.
  • Conferences and courses - NAHT’s new and aspiring heads and SEND conferences, plus courses.
  • The final word - Susan Young on inspirational leadership.
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First published 19 February 2019
First published 19 February 2019