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Leadership Focus magazine

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 Our termly magazine for NAHT members. 

Leadership Focus February 2020



In this issue:
  • Judy Shaw - A view from our president.
  • News round-up - The latest from across NAHT and NAHT Edge.
  • Leadership pay – the debate Leadership Focus journalist Nic Paton chairs a roundtable debate on leadership pay.
  • SBL on the leadership scale - We talk to school business leaders (SBLs) about the issue of fair pay.
  • Ofsted inspection – a change for the better? We take a look at the new Ofsted inspection framework.
  • News from our branches - Hear how we are working together to improve schools for everyone.
  • EBacc – 10 years on - National executive member Stuart Beck looks at the fate of the EBacc.
  • The Teachers’ Pension Scheme - Specialist adviser Kate Atkinson looks at the situation facing independent schools as a result of pension contribution hikes.
  • NAHT mentoring scheme - A chance to focus on you and your career.
  • Essential guides - Head of representation and advice Guy Dudley talks about our new resources.
  • Small schools in England - Director of policy James Bowen shares the findings from our recent members survey.
  • Wales policy update - An update on the work being done in Wales to protect, support and empower members.
  • Northern Ireland policy update - A look back at a busy nine months.
  • A legal view - Solicitor Simon Thomas looks at the rights for a woman returning to work part-time after the birth of a child.
  • A member’s view - Nilesh Pandya talks about his journey to school leadership and why NAHT is the right union for SBLs.
  • Place2Be - Head teacher Enid Lewis shares her thoughts on mental health in schools.
  • Life membership - Head teacher William Lewis explains why continued membership of NAHT after retirement is so important.
  • Paul Whiteman - A view from our general secretary.
  • Inspiring learning - Hear from Ofsted’s Gill Jones on reading in reception and head teacher Jeremy Hannay on building a happy school.
  • Courses and conferences - We’re bringing back great CPD for you.
  • The final word - Susan Young looks at the importance of the performing arts in children’s learning.
First published 10 February 2020