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 Our termly magazine for NAHT members. 

Leadership Focus April 2022

Leadership Focus magazine April 2022
The magazine for NAHT and NAHT Edge members


Welcome to issue 92 of Leadership Focus. You’ll undoubtedly already be aware that NAHT doesn’t just tubthump about the issues facing school leaders; we like to get under their skin and take a closer look at the contributing factors that cause our members the greatest challenges.

NAHT strongly believes that you can’t point to solutions until you fully understand the problems. That’s why we recently held several roundtables with school leaders and our policy experts to dive into three issues facing the profession today. Namely, pay, equality and well-being.

These roundtables built on the conversations NAHT had already started with members through our submission to the School Teachers’ Review Body and our reports on the gender pay gap and how to make school leadership a sustainable career choice.

We’ve written up three cracking long reads on these issues, where you can access all the reports and get a taste of the discussions we had at the roundtables. So why not put the kettle on, set some time aside and take a look through these interactive features on some of the most pressing issues facing school leaders today.

We hope you enjoy this edition.

Best wishes

David Gilmore
NAHT head of communications

Read our April 2022 issue in full


First published 19 April 2022