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NAHT middle leaders


For middle leaders 

NAHT has a category of membership specifically for middle leaders. We offer tailored support and services for middle leaders, online advice and resources, and full trade union protection to give you peace of mind.

Am I eligible? 

To be eligible to join NAHT, you need have a leadership responsibility within an education setting. Roles that are eligible include ALENCO, SENCO, phase leaders and subject leaders. This is not an exhaustive list and if you would like further clarification please email joinus@naht.org.uk.


If you would like to join NAHT, or you’re a current member and would like to speak to someone on the phone, please give us a call on 0300 30 30 333, email us on info@naht.org.uk or click here

Help and advice



If you have responsibility in a specific area of the curriculum or are simply interested in best practice, our guides can help. 


If you want to know about your employment rights and whether you're being treated fairly and consistently, you can find help and advice on matters which may concern you as an employee. 


If you line manage staff or have accountability for a specific area, you can access help and advice to assist you in making informed decisions when carrying out your role.


Latest news 

Details published on Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission interim local area SEND visits

​From October 2020 until early Spring 2021, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be making a limited number of visits to local areas to find out about their arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). ​

Not all local areas will be visited, instead, a representative selection of local areas will be invited to participate. Local areas have the right to decline this invitation as participation is voluntary.

As these visits are not inspections, they will not replace the current area SEND inspection cycle.  Instead, they will aim to:

  • Enable the local area to understand the impact of the pandemic on CYP with SEND and their families.
  • Identify what has worked well, what were the challenges and any lessons learnt.
  • Identify opportunities for improvement that address the remaining challenges identified.
  • Produce anonymised national reports after the programme of visits to share learning and best practice.

What will the visits involve?

  • They will last two days on-site, with flexibility for virtual meetings
  • One Ofsted Education HMI, one Ofsted Social Care HMI and one CQC children's service inspector
  • 4-6 case studies of CYP and practitioners working with them
  • Online surveys provided by Ofsted
  • Discussions with leaders
  • A feedback meeting
  • A summary note agreed with local area leaders and shared with DfE and NHS England which will not be published


Specific guidance on these visits can be found here

First published 11 September 2020