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Lead Assessor Support Programme

NAHT is working with the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors to encourage every school to have a Lead Assessor. Find out more about the programme and how to register for a discounted place below.

Despite the centrality of educational assessment to the teaching and learning process and its use in high-stakes assessments, there has been limited professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their skills in assessment and collaborate with others.

Having an independently accredited Lead Assessor demonstrates a school or MAT’s clear commitment to high quality assessment practice and the professional development and support of its staff.

The Lead Assessor Support Programme is designed to enable Lead Assessors to ensure the development of high-quality educational assessment practice in their school/MAT by:

  • Improving the validity and reliability of school-based assessment
  • Enhancing teaching and learning, delivering tangible benefits for all pupils across the institution(s)
  • Raising the professional status of teachers by demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of effective educational assessment practice to governors, parents, Ofsted, and the wider community
  • Quality assuring the school curriculum and providing insight into the content, quality and ways in which progression is achieved in the curriculum
  • Reducing workload by ensuring that valid and reliable processes are used to measure and record pupils’ attainment.


About the programme

This ten week modular programme is designed to support those working in assessment in primary, secondary and college settings. The programme covers key aspects of the assessment process delivered to participants through a blend of online learning theory modules delivered by the CIEA, real-life examples of how certain aspects are currently being implemented in school settings along with suggested activities to support putting theory into practice in your school. The programme is hosted online, so you can access it at a time convenient to you. There are also fortnightly live Q and A sessions held over Zoom, in which you can share best practice and seek support from our expert course leaders and other course participants.


What the modules include

  • Approaches to Assessment / The Validity Chain

  • Standardisation & Moderation

  • Using Data

  • Managing People


Upcoming course dates 

  • 13th January – 21st March 2025
  • 6th May – 11th July 2025


Please note: There are separate early years, primary, secondary and Post 16 course instances of the Lead Assessor Support Programme. Should there be insufficient numbers to make an instance of the course viable, delegates will be offered a place on the next available course.

The Lead Assessor Support Programme is intended to support senior teachers to lead the assessment processes and practices in their school. Whilst this programme can be offered to individual teachers, it is beneficial and has greater impact if more than one teacher from a school / MAT undertake the course together. This provides an opportunity for colleagues to discuss and audit the assessment processes in their own setting and cascading high quality practice in educational assessment with a view to making positive change in their department, whole school or across the MAT.



NAHT members will receive a discounted price for individual registrations and additionally can opt to receive further discounts if block booking five or ten delegates.

  • Individual fee £320
  • Block booking for 5 delegates £1,475 (£295 per delegate)
  • Block booking for 10 delegates £2,500 (£250 per delegate)


Please note: Delegates must be from the same school or Multi Academy Trust to benefit from the discounted block booking rate.


To find out more please email administratorciea@herts.ac.uk or to register for the course please complete this application form and return it to administratorciea@herts.ac.uk.