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Membership grades and rates

If you are part of the leadership team of a primary or secondary school or college, you can join. Those eligible include the following:

  • Executive leader: full time £42.67, part time (based on 0.6 FTE) £25.60
  • Head teacher or principal: full-time: £40.47 monthly, part time (based on 0.6 FTE) £24.28
  • Deputy head teacher or vice-principal: full time £31.97 monthly, part time (based on 0.6 FTE) £19.18
  • Assistant head teacher: full time £22.49 monthly, part time (based on 0.6 FTE) £13.49 monthly
  • Middle leaders: full time £16.26, part time (based on 0.6 FTE) £9.75 monthly
  • School business leader: full time £22.49 monthly, part time (based on 0.6 FTE) £13.49 monthly 
  • Children’s Centre Leader: full time £22.49 monthly


Life membership (for retired members)  

A one-off fee is payable in the first year:

  • Head teachers £485.64
  • Deputy head teachers £383.64
  • Assistant heads or school business leaders £269.88
  • Middle leaders £195.12

This can be paid as a single payment or in 12 monthly instalments. Thereafter £46.96 per annum is chargeable.


Associate member (£20.18 monthly)

Associate membership is open to all NAHT members who are leaving school leadership and/or aren’t yet eligible for Life membership.

As you broaden your horizons, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that associate membership will give you retrospective cover for your time in school leadership. To ensure you remain covered, please transfer to associate membership within six months of leaving school leadership.

Important: subscription payments must be continuous and may need to be backdated.




More about membership grades


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