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Inspection and accountability

The issue

High stakes accountability measures are driving unsustainable workload, teacher and leadership wastage, and damaging the health and well-being of education professionals. 

What we want to see

NAHT is campaigning for immediate system reform, including: 

  • root and branch review of Ofsted’s inspection framework, methodology, and notification periods; the abolition of single-word and graded judgements in favour of accurate reporting of a school’s strengths and areas for improvement; and the creation of a fully independent complaint process. 
  • reduction of the excessive published performance measures and removal of the ‘’all schools and colleges comparison tables’ from the performance data website to avoid the damaging consequences of encouraging the public to compare institutions in league tables 
  • fully funded support to safeguard the mental health and well-being of school leaders and their staff. 


Read more in NAHT’s report Rethinking school inspection which sets out the interim and longer term changes needed to create a fair, proportionate and humane inspection system. Please also see NAHT’s response to Ofsted’s Big Listen consultation (June 2024), where we press the inspectorate for immediate removal of single-phrase judgements ahead of full system reform.

Get involved

You can help to make a difference in your local area by making your voice heard within your local authority and with your local MP. 

Below, we have provided resources to help you get involved in the campaign. Get together with other members from your branch or region to take action.

Write a letter to your MP by downloading our guide and template

Hold a roundtable discussion with your MP using our guide and template

Use our slide deck to tell colleagues and peers about NAHT's campaigns
