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Leading School Safeguarding - DSL Training

Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm

This course is being delivered online, and a recording will be available for up to 30 days after the event has ended.

Member - £99
Non-Member - £149

Facilitator - Philippa Ollerhead

This course brings the designated safeguarding teams and safeguarding governors completely up to date with current safeguarding legislation. Delegates will learn about the key updates within Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) and the implications for safeguarding within the inspection framework including specific advice on implementing the behaviour criteria and supporting the well-being agenda.

Following the recent Ofsted review, this course will support delegates to consider the greater focus within the inspection framework and KCSiE on peer-to-peer abuse, sexual harassment, sexual violence and harmful sexual behaviours.  You will be given time to focus on exploring how staff perceive safeguarding leadership and discussing together how safeguarding values are interpreted within schools.

An additional element of this course is the inclusion of a safer recruitment section, to ensure the DSL team are up-skilled in all of the elements of safer recruitment which have been introduced into KCSiE.


  • Ensure that you are up to date with the latest safeguarding statutory guidance from the DfE and Ofsted.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the behaviour expectations within the inspection framework.
  • Focus on best practice techniques for school leadership of safeguarding.
  • Ensure that internal school response procedures are robust.
  • Evaluate how you embed peer-to-peer abuse, sexual harassment and sexual violence into the school curriculum.
  • Assess your own site security and understand the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive.



School leaders - CEO's, Executive Head teachers, Head teachers, Deputy head teachers, Safeguarding Governors, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Deputy Safeguarding Leads including SBLs. Primary, Secondary, Special and APs suitable.  This course is also suitable for Governors with responsibility for safeguarding.


Philippa Ollerhead

Philippa has had a long career in education, having been a Head of English, a Vice Principal of a large sixth form college in Greater Manchester, Head teacher of a pupil referral unit and Head teacher at a secondary alternative provision school. Philippa is formally trained every academic year in the rigorous of the common inspection framework to prepare primary and secondary schools for Ofsted visits.  

Philippa is a training partner for the NAHT, delivering courses for Head teachers across the country, in subjects such as Ofsted Update, Leading School Safeguarding, Joining or Forming a MAT - making an informed choice, and Leadership and Leading School Investigations.  Philippa has been an education improvement adviser for over 10 years and works with schools in all sectors around the country supporting school leaders.
