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How the DfE Schools Commercial Team can support your school buying

Time: 9:30am - 10.30am

This is a NEW FREE webinar being delivered online, and a recording will be available for up to 30 days.

Are you responsible for managing your school or trust’s resources, including buying goods and services?

The DfE Schools Commercial Team will cover a range of topics, including:
•    The Procurement Act
•    how we can support you to achieve value and buy compliantly with our free procurement service, Get help buying for schools
•    an update on the Risk Protection Arrangement
•    new initiatives to support schools and trusts

The Schools Commercial Team is dedicated to helping schools and trusts achieve the best value for money and be compliant when purchasing goods and services. Their core services are the Risk Protection Arrangement (RPA) and the Get help buying for schools’ service.

The team works extensively with schools, trusts, local authorities, and other partner organisations to ensure they are supported with their procurement needs.


Helen Lumb and Catherine Kelsall


Any member of school staff that works on procurement/buying for example, head teachers,deputy and assistant head teachers and school business professionals (SBMs, COOs, CFOs, Procurement Managers etc). Relevant for all roles, phases, experiences. 

Support is only available for state funded schools in England



