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Workshop - Working in a joined-up approach and what difference this can make to families

with Tina Emery and Kath Bromfield, National Network of Parent Carer Forums



How a multi-agency approach can make a difference to a family’s experience. We will look at all the aspects of the SEND system and we will look at how each connect, and the quick wins/silver bullets that can make a difference.

We will also look at the wider benefits of this for the school system.


The aim of the session is to have a better understanding of how you can work with families, so there are better outcomes for all.

Facilitator Profile:

Tina is the Southwest steering group member for the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF) and since July 2019 has also serving as co-chair. The NNPCF is made up of 152 local parent carer forums made up of parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The NNPCF has 100,000 members across England. In her role with the NNPCF, Tina sits on numerous national boards and works closely with national government including the Department for Education, NHS England and Ofsted. She also works closely with regional government teams, including being instrumental in setting up ways of working with NHSE in the SW.

Tina has worked in Education and Residential Social Care and has been a youth worker for over 30 years. She is passionate about hearing from not only parent carers, but also children and young people.

During the Covid 19 pandemic, Tina has been a member of key government boards including the Department for Education’s Vulnerable Children’s Board, The SEND Review Steering Group and the alternative provision advisory group.