with Maria Bloom, IPSEA

This workshop will improve participants' understanding of schools’ obligations under the Children and Families Act 2014, the SEND Code of Practice and the Equality Act 2010.
Participants will be provided with:
- An overview of the legal framework for supporting children and young people with SEND in schools
- An understanding of schools’ obligations towards children and young people with SEND
- An understanding of the duties of LAs and health bodies.
- An introduction to the provisions in the Equality Act 2010 relating to protected characteristics, definition of disability, types of disability discrimination, recent case law and possible defences to disability discrimination claims.
By the end of the session you should be able to assess whether your school is meeting its statutory duties in relation to CAFA and the EQA and ensure, where necessary, reasonable adjustments are put in place in accordance with the law.
Facilitator Profile:
Maria has worked for organisations providing legally based advice and information about special educational needs since 1997. As part of IPSEA's legal team Maria works with IPSEA's volunteers providing them with training and legal support and is responsible for monitoring and supervising their work. Maria also delivers IPSEA's programme of external training to parents, SEN experts, schools and local authorities as well as creating legally based written resources. Maria is Vice Chair of Governors at a local authority maintained primary school where, not surprisingly, she takes the lead on SEN issues.